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1. General Requirement

The manuscript of the article received is an article that has never been submitted to any journal, whether it has been published or is still in the process of being reviewed.

The article is the result of community service that is relevant to the field of educational research and technology to be realized in the community, including (1) fields of science, applied, social, economic, management, cultural, health, ICT development, and administrative services; (2) training and improvement in the results of educational, agricultural, fisheries, forestry, animal husbandry, marines, information and communication, and religious technology; and (3) teaching and empowering communities and communities of students, youth, and community organizations on an ongoing basis.

The article is attached to an affidavit of authenticity from the author, stating that the article written is his work and does not contain plagiarism.

The articles were written using the templates provided.

The bibliography consists of at least 12 sources and 10 primary sources of scientific journals.

The result of checking the similarity of the articles was a maximum of 25%.


2. Systematics of Writing

The article consists of a maximum of 10 pages, typed with a space of 1 in A4 size paper with the typeface Arial size of 11 and using body notes. The writing that will be published uses Indonesian and English language.

The composition of the article consists of the Title, Author Name, Abstract, Keywords, Introduction, Method, Results and Discussion, Conclusion, Acknowledgments, Author Contribution, Conflict of Interest Declaration, and Bibliography. Please use this TEMPLATE MANUSCRIPT before submitting your manuscript.

Article-writing provisions

Title: 10-15 words.

Author Name: Written without a degree, accompanied by the institution's name.

Abstracts are written in Indonesian and English, consisting of 100-200 words, and containing the purpose of the activity, methods, and results or products of the activity.

Keywords were written in Indonesian and English, 3-5 words each.

Introduction: It contains conditions or problems that underlie or inspire the implementation of activities and the objectives of community service activities.

Method: This describes the means used to solve the problem. Examples of methods: a) Community Education, for example, counseling aimed at increasing understanding and awareness; b) Diffusion of Science and Technology, for example, activities that produce products for the target group; c) training, for example, activities accompanied by demonstrations or pilots to produce certain skills; d) mediation, for example, activities that show community services implementers as mediators in solving problems that exist in society; and e) advocacy,  for example, activities in the form of assistance to the target group. In addition, we describe the characteristics of the target group, which is a partner in community service activities.

Results and Discussion: Explaining the results or outcomes of community services can be in the form of increasing knowledge, skills, or products. The discussion in this article aims to: (1) answer the formulation of the problem; (2) show the findings obtained based on the Community Service activities that have been carried out; (3) interpret the results obtained; (4) link the results of Community Service with ideal or expected conditions; and (5) modify Community Service activities according to needs. The formulation of the Community Service problem must be followed by explicit conclusions. The interpretation of the results was performed using logical and ideal/normative references. Field conditions are associated with previous Community Service results or the expected ideal conditions.

Conclusion: Written succinctly but describes the substance of the community service results and recommendations for subsequent community service activities.

Bibliography: The bibliography was based on the APA 7th (American Psychological Association (APA) model. It is highly recommended to use reference managers (EndNote, Mendeley, Zotero, etc.) to make editing and review easier.

All submissions must meet the following requirements.

  • This submission meets the requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines.
  • This submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration.
  • All references have been checked for accuracy and completeness.
  • All tables and figures have been numbered and labeled.
  • Permission has been obtained to publish all photos, datasets and other material provided with this submission.